• 27 Jul, 2024


Sri Aurobindo, the Never-dying Fire

Sri Aurobindo, the Never-dying Fire

August 15 will mark Sri Aurobindo’s 151st birth anniversary. This day will also witness the launching of Luc Venet’s new biography on Sri Aurobindo—Sri Aurobindo, the Never-dying Fire.

Christmas In the Ashram

Christmas is celebrated as the festival of Light at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. An introduction to the Festival of Light in the words of an Ashram resident.

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Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo

Few know or understand the spiritual relationship that Maharishi Sri Aurobindo had with Sri Krishna. This article explores this very special and profound aspect of Sri Aurobindo's Yogic life.

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Radha Prem as Universal Love

The two meanings of Radhaprem are the two sides of the cosmic process — On the one side there is the Divine will that Bliss should be manifested and on the other side there is the self giving, the making of everything to centre in Sri Krishna so that the world may be the vessel of that Bliss...

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