The Gita, Chapter 4, Sloka 24
A reflection on one of the most beautiful slokas of the Gita that gives us the essence of the Veda
A reflection on one of the most beautiful slokas of the Gita that gives us the essence of the Veda
A reflection on the meaninglessness of religious conversions
आज की तत्काल आवश्यकता है की आध्यात्मिक एवं बौधिक स्तर पर विकसित लोग सनातन धर्म के लिए खड़े हो, उसकी रक्षा करें और उसके प्रवक्ता और वार्ताकार बनें।
The Age of Sri Aurobindo is here...Excerpted from a talk on Sri Aurobindo and His Relevance in Present-Day India delivered by Dr. Pariksith Singh recently in Jaipur.
To understand the real Sanatan Dharma, its deeper philosophy and worldview, it is important first to understand what it is not...
The Vedas may be approached from diverse perspectives, each adding yet another dimension to our understanding of the Vedas. We present here a semiological perspective on the Veda.
2024 के चुनाव राजनीति और राजनैतिक दलों से कहीं आगे जाएंगे। इस बार दांव बहुत ऊँचे हैं। इस विषय में हमें कोई भ्रम नहीं होना चाहिए—यदि श्री नरेंद्र मोदी की सरकार स्पष्ट बहुमत के साथ वापस नहीं आती हैं, हम भारत के लिए यह युद्ध I.N.D.I.A और वैश्विक वोक (Woke) वादिओं से हार सकते हैं।
The urgent need today is for spiritually and intellectually evolved beings to stand for Sanatan Dharma and be its exponents and interlocutors...
The 2024 elections will go way beyond politics and parties. The stakes are much higher. Let’s have no illusion about this—if Narendra Modi’s government does not come back with a clear majority, we may well lose the battle for Bharat to I.N.D.I.A and the global Woke.
The Gita is often considered the thirteenth Upanishad, and in the eyes of our traditions, it is Narayana Vak, equal in value to a Sruti. We can say that the Gita is a practical manual of the knowledge contained as symbols in Veda and as intuitive revelations in the Upanishads.
सनातन धर्म पर हो रहे इस आक्रमण का वास्तविक रूप क्या है? क्या हम इसके पीछे कि मानसिकता को समझ सकते है?
What is the real nature of the attack on Sanatan Dharma? Can we understand the psychology behind it?