Ahimsa and Self-Realization
A look at the relation between self-realization and non-violence (ahimsa) in the light of Jainism
A look at the relation between self-realization and non-violence (ahimsa) in the light of Jainism
To Swami Vivekananda, Buddha was not only the greatest of Aryans, but also "the one absolutely sane man" that the world had ever seen...
हर जगह पहुँचना भी संभव नहीं, परंतु ज्ञान बढ़ाने और अच्छी जानकारी प्राप्त करने के बहुत से साधन हैं। अच्छा हो कि दूसरों को जानने से पहले अपने परिवार को जानें। और सारा भारत ही हमारा परिवार ह...
ऋग्वेद कदाचित् मानवजाति का प्राचीनतम साहित्य हैं। समस्त भारत दर्शन, विश्व के धर्म व साहित्य उनसे अत्यंत प्रभावित हुए हैं किंतु उनका मूल अर्थ हम भारतीय ही भूल गए। यह आधारभूत अर्थ है उनका आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान व अनुभव, उनका मांत्रिक काव्य। इसी गहन बोध को आधुनिक काल में स्वामी दयानंद व उनके पश्चात श्री अरविंद ने पुनः उजागर किया। यहाँ हम उनके विवेचन व भाष्य से प्रेरित अनुवाद व विश्लेषण प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं।
Continuing our series on the Mother's writings on Integral Yoga
Continuing our article on the spiritual relationship between Maharishi Sri Aurobindo and Sri Krishna
What are the critical problems of today? And what could be relevance of ancient Indian wisdom in resolving our predicaments when modern knowledge appears to have been so advanced?
Mangesh Nadkarni on Sri Aurobindo's 'new spirituality' — a spirituality which has discarded its old limitations and inhibitions but still draws on its ancient roots and whose aim is the perfection of human life on earth...
Christmas is celebrated as the festival of Light at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. An introduction to the Festival of Light in the words of an Ashram resident.
A tale for the young and old by the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Few know or understand the spiritual relationship that Maharishi Sri Aurobindo had with Sri Krishna. This article explores this very special and profound aspect of Sri Aurobindo's Yogic life.
The two meanings of Radhaprem are the two sides of the cosmic process — On the one side there is the Divine will that Bliss should be manifested and on the other side there is the self giving, the making of everything to centre in Sri Krishna so that the world may be the vessel of that Bliss...