Sri Ramakrishna
A Short Account of Sri Ramakrishna's Life and Teachings
A Short Account of Sri Ramakrishna's Life and Teachings
Sri Krishna Prem explains Sthitaprajna, a foundational concept of the Bhagavad Gita
Insights into the Life Divine in the words of the Master
And one must have that complete freedom to come upon that which is eternally true….
Continuing our explorations into the yogic secrets of the body with Alok Pandey
वेद महासागर हैं। सूक्ष्म व सघन ज्ञान के। और यह ज्ञान का सागर पूरी मानवजाति की विरासत है।
वैदिक प्रतीक साहित्य में विशिष्ट स्थान रखते हैं। ये कल्पना या केवल काव्यात्मक आभूषण नहीं। वरन ये आध्यात्मिक सत्य के विभिन्न रूपों का इंगन हैं।
It is that being which is your true being of whom I was telling you so long, the intimate brother and friend of yours, indeed your own true self, incarnating the Mother's presence and the Mother's love...
The story of Devdas and the mysterious sadhu...What did the sadhu give, and what did Devdas find?
A talk by Swamiji to government officers and published in the Yoga Vedanta Forest Weekly of Feb. 2, 1950.